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Clone D158
This is a Thai durian.
Average size weighing between 2 - 4kg. per fruit. The skin is brownish green and the fruit is oval in shape and can be as long as 15 - 17cm. The flesh is golden yellow and sweet.
Best specimens come from the Nonthaburi province, next to Bangkok. Kan Yao's high price -- $200 is a record.


True Kan Yao from Nonthaburi have sharp spikes.
Round with a long stem. Green Husk.

In Thai, Kanyao means long fruit stalk. Its stalk is longer than other varieties.
- Shape : Rounded, Obovate, Oblate
- Size : Medium
- Weight : 2.0 - 3.5 kg.
- Average : 3 kg.
Rind :
- Spine shape : Convex
- Colour : Green
- Average thickness : 1.45 cm.
Length of fruit stalk : : Long (8-12 cm.) to very long (> 12 cm.)
Aril :
- Colour and texture : Yellow,creamy firm
- Taste : Sweet
- Thickness : Moderate
Seed : Large
Days full bloom to harvest : 120 - 135

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